====== March 14, 1901 ====== ===== News ===== • Manager [[Connie Mack]] retured from a recruitment trip saying he had signed "ten or twelve good, fast players" and that there would be both stars and surprises on the list • He added that he had signed only players who wouldn't "'bullfrog' it back to the National League tomorrow" • Still, catcher Ed McFarland, who ha reputedly signed with the Athletics was, in fact, "bullfrogging" it back to the Phillies after having second thoughts ===== Transactions ===== • The team was reputed to have signed left-handed pitcher Win Kellum ---- [[march-10-1901|< Mar 10, 1901]] [[1901_calendar|Back to Calendar]] [[march-16-1901|Mar 16, 1901 >]]