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July 1, 1901


⦁ It was 103 degrees and miserably humid in Washington and with the Senators and Athletics tied 13-13 after nine innings, umpire Jack Sheridan said that was enough baseball and called it a tie

⦁ The A's led 13-5 after seven and a half innings, but the Senators stormed back to tie it in the ninth

⦁ Manager Connie Mack tried out a local amateur shortstop, Charles White, before the game but White's fielding was “ragged” and Mack chose not to play him


⦁ The team signed Augusta outfielder Matty McIntyre

Injury Updates

⦁ A's starter Eddie Plank left the game in the second inning after a violent collision at the plate with Washington catcher Boileryard Clarke

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